How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Dental crowns help restore the size, shape, and size of your teeth. They have a lifespan, but you can extend their useful life by taking appropriate precautions. This post will focus on dental crowns' longevity.

Average Lifespan of a Dental Crown

A well-maintained crown can last for an average of up to 15 years. However, it can last up to 30 years if kept properly. Your mouth has a complex system, and several factors can affect the lifespan of a crown, including your oral hygiene habits and the wear it is exposed to daily.

How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Dental Crown

Once your dentist installs the crowns, it is up to you to ensure they perform as intended. There are several measures to ensure your dental crown serves you longer. They include:

  • Avoid chewy and sticky foods

Gum or candies can significantly affect the integrity of your dental crown. Besides, eating chewy meat can loosen the crowns, resulting in a lost or broken crown. While it may be tempting to eat specific foods, it is advisable to avoid them to ensure your crowns serve you longer.

  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Another excellent way to extend the lifespan of your dental crown is by practicing good oral hygiene. Oral hygiene can prevent several issues, including a damaged crown. It is advisable to brush at least twice daily or after every meal to maintain the health of the teeth capped by the crowns.

It is also advisable to floss at least once daily. Flossing helps remove debris between your teeth. If debris accumulates in between teeth, there is a high chance that your crown may break or loosen.

  • Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Attending regular dental checkups and cleaning can help extend the lifespan of your dental crowns. Your dentist will check for any sign of dental trauma, decay, or a gapping between your crown and the tooth.

  • Avoid Using Your Teeth as Tools

Another brilliant way to extend the crown's lifespan is to avoid biting inedible items. Although this may sound easier said than done, most people may find it hard to resist opening bottles or biting their fingernails with their teeth.

For this reason, dentists recommend avoiding biting unedible items. Dental crowns are durable and robust, but when used for other purposes apart from meals, they can break and cause pain.

  • Avoid Grinding Your Teeth

Teeth grinding or clenching can cause your crown to crack or chip. If you have a habit of grinding your teeth, you should consider wearing a custom guard. The guard will help protect your natural teeth or crowns.

How to Know When Your Crown Needs to be Replaced

You need to replace your crown if it is cracked or chipped. A damaged crown can increase the chances of tooth decay. Although the dental crown can't decay, cavities can form beneath it gradually.

Book an Appointment with Us Today

At 701 Dental, Bismarck dentist Dr. Carlson and the entire team of dentists are committed to helping Bismarck residents achieve healthy smiles. We are ready to answer all dental crowns' durability, cost, and maintenance questions. Contact us today to book an appointment.

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